Building on its recent five-point-plan, on Friday 2 June National Grid ESO (NGESO) announced that it is introducing additional targeted reforms to speed up connections to the electricity grid. Under the reforms, generators that are not progressing their project will have to either move backwards in the grid connection queue or leave, enabling those that are ready and able to connect to the grid much more quickly. NGESO said that it will be supported by an engineering consultancy, to check whether milestones have been met, and by a legal firm to ensure any contractual changes are rapidly executed. NGESO confirmed that projects with timelines impacted by network build delays outside the control of the developers will not be negatively impacted by these changes. It added that in a further development to help projects to progress even quicker, it has also set out its support for changes to enable developers to build their own connections into the grid.
This is an excerpt taken from our Industry Essentials (GB) service. If you are interested in learning more about the Industry Essentials (GB) service, please click here.

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