On Monday 24 July, the government published a number of documents under its wider plans to boost competition and innovation in the energy market. Outlining its overall vision in its Delivering a better energy retail market policy paper, the government seeks to provide consumers with a wider choice in ways to use energy – such as tariffs offering lower prices at certain times of the day and opportunities to buy shares in renewable energy in return for electricity bill discounts. Accompanying this, the government launched two new consultations, both seeking views until 18 September. The first call for evidence aims to consider barriers to innovation in the energy retail market, with a commitment to follow up with policy proposals for consultation later in 2023. The second call for evidence will seek information on domestic consumers with non-domestic energy supply contracts, with aims to determine the reasons for those arrangements, what prices they face, and whether these consumers require any longer-term protections. The government also published the summaries of responses to its Designing a framework for transparency of carbon content in energy products, Third-party intermediaries in the retail energy market, and Exemptions from the requirement for an electricity licence consultations.
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