On Tuesday 19 September, Ofgem published a consultation on its proposed draft conditions for the Electricity System Operator (ESO) and Gas System Planner licences, which will be held by the Future System Operator (FSO). The regulator highlighted four key drivers for the new or significantly modified licence conditions: ensuring that the draft conditions will reflect the FSO’s statutory duty, and will set out the FSO’s primary and secondary duties, with Ofgem expecting the FSO’s activities to evolve over time. The draft conditions will also introduce new and enhanced roles relating to resilience and critical national infrastructure, as well as allowing for alignment between gas and electricity to allow for one design to be used for the FSO. Responses are requested by 20 October 2023.
This is an excerpt taken from our Industry Essentials (GB) service. If you are interested in learning more about the Industry Essentials (GB) service, please click here.

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