On Wednesday 21 February, the government published a summary of responses received to its consultation on a Strategy and Policy Statement (SPS) for energy policy in GB. It states that 140 responses were received, with respondents encouraging the publication of an SPS to ensure industry has certainty on the direction of government. On the same day the government published the draft SPS for energy policy in GB. The report sets out the government’s strategic priorities and other main considerations of its energy policy, which includes meeting the UK’s net zero targets. The government then outlines the policy outcomes it intends to achieve as a result of its energy policy. It also lays out the roles and responsibilities of those who are involved in the implementation of certain policies, including Ofgem and the National Energy System Operator (NESO). The government noted that the draft SPS was laid in Parliament on 21 February and following approval, the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero will designate the SPS, at which point the document will be in force.
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