CCC criticises slow paced net zero deployment plans
On Wednesday 28 June, the Climate Change Committee called on the government to commit to more ambitious net zero delivery, following the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (CBDP) being published.
On Wednesday 28 June, the Climate Change Committee called on the government to commit to more ambitious net zero delivery, following the Carbon Budget Delivery Plan (CBDP) being published.
The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) announced on Wednesday 21 June that it has published a report on Decarbonising the power sector. This highlights that while the government has many separate ongoing power decarbonisation plans, its ambitions for power sector decarbonisation by 2035 are jeopardised by the lack of an overarching delivery plan.
On Friday 9 June, DESNZ published its response to its Capacity Market 2023 consultation.
Regen published a report on Wednesday 24 May titled Building a GB electricity network ready for net zero, highlighting the urgent need for reform and investment given that lead times for critical low-carbon projects to connect to the grid are now over 15 years.
On Friday 19 May, the National Audit Office (NAO) published Support for innovation to deliver net zero. The report looks at whether the government is set to deliver value for money from its approach to investment in research and innovation to deliver net zero.
On Monday 15 May, National Grid published a report, Delivering for 2035: Upgrading the grid for a secure, clean and affordable energy future, in which it considers the transformation needed to deliver a zero carbon electricity system by 2035.